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The elf is just trying to protect herself and the girl ๐Ÿ˜’ how about you imagine being ca...

Yuu February 8, 2021 6:23 am

The elf is just trying to protect herself and the girl how about you imagine being caught sell to slavery, torture, beat up, and get sexual so it's alright for her to be wary of people, she's rude in purpose because what if she would get betrayed again and get more worse punishment than that, would you trust the guy y'all don't understand stand before saying she's a btch

    Yuu February 8, 2021 11:58 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! mommy

    Since you guys don't like them then tsundere is not your type besides mc is so overpowered what's the point of the power if he don't use it, it's like a girl is protected by mc cause they're weak and little purpose for his power, especially the village he will protect

    Fangirlx February 8, 2021 3:46 pm
    Since you guys don't like them then tsundere is not your type besides mc is so overpowered what's the point of the power if he don't use it, it's like a girl is protected by mc cause they're weak and little pur... Yuu

    For real everyone likes overpowered mc soo having a female character to protect helps show how overpowered he is