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I still have all the volumes, but I don't know if the scan group that picked it dropped it...

I wonder... February 8, 2021 6:55 am

I still have all the volumes, but I don't know if the scan group that picked it dropped it again ):

However, if someone wants a big ass spoiler, I can summarize all volumes (including the sixth one, which is still ongoing)

    nightwave February 8, 2021 6:57 am

    How did I make this comment without signing in? Anyway, who wants some spoilers :D

    shellyclammy February 10, 2021 11:24 pm
    How did I make this comment without signing in? Anyway, who wants some spoilers :D nightwave

    ohhh can I get some spoilers :0

    nightwave February 11, 2021 5:32 am

    Y E S I forgot I even posted this lmaooo but I love this manga so so much I wanted to spam about it to someone!

    • First volume is already scanned, pay attention to chapter 4
    • The second volume starts with Nakahara watching a romantic movie where the male lead embraces the girl from behind and he remembers igarashi did that, he wonders why tf did he do that. Igarashi starts wondering what's going on with him, but that's cut short when a girl he used to date (and an ex crush of Nakahara's) appears and they decide to go on a date. In the meantime, we see Nakahara's past and how he was bullied all through middle school, how despite trying hard and studying he always failed and was constantly called to the teacher's office. He remembers when that girl took advantage of him, but just wished Igarashi good luck. Igarashi notices how this girl still thinks of Nakahara as inferior so he dumps her. Nakahara embraces his Otaku self and opens up to Igarashi, while Igarashi is starting to have a mild gay panic.
    • Third volume: Igarashi wonders why he feels funny when he's with his new friend. Nakahara starts being more social and even working in representation of his class. Igarashi meets some trans women and crossdressers to whom he opens and asks if what he's feeling is weird, and one of them tells him to embrace it and not to wait too long to accept himself as he is, because he'll regret it. He accepts he likes him. We see a glimpse of his past and how he was actually a brilliant student, an ace in archery, and an overall smart guy who got neglected by his family and lost himself in alcohol and women at one point. Nakahara helps organizing the school festival where Igarashi is one of the main models for his class. Nakahara gets attacked by intruders and Igarashi defends him. They were frustrated because of what happened and while they were venting, Igarashi blurted out that he did it all without thinking because he liked him. Nakahara was actually like "uhh I really don't know what to respond right now". The volume ends when they announce the school trip.
    • Fourth volume is mostly the school trip. Nakahara keeps thinking about what to say and why his friend likes him; even gets worried when a girl confesses to Igarashi. At one point, Igarashi and him are alone and Igarashi just says that he'd rather get rejected because he's feeling anxious and it'd be better if they're over with it, but Nakahara just blurts out that he has no right to speak for him and that he just doesn't know how to reply to his confession yet. Nakahara consults a friend and he suggests he should ask for a date to sort out his feelings. They go to an amusement park and Nakahara reveals that the fact that they're both men is not what bothers him the most, but Igarashi is his first real friend and he's afraid to lose him, Igarashi says he's afraid too, but he'll always try to be by his side, which helps Nakahara to confess while they're in a Ferris wheel, saying "I don't know if I feel the same as you, but I want to do this" and kissing Igarashi. They start dating. Mizumori and Nozomi also start dating in this volume (het couple)
    • Fifth volume is cute, just them being a couple and discovering how it's like. They meet Igarashi's brother by accident, and Nakahara starts getting to know more about their messed up family dynamics, but eventually helps the brothers to bond a bit more again. They're seen hugging very romantically by Igarashi's childhood friend (a classmate of them), and in another occasion by some homophobic classmates. Igarashi's friend helps Nakahara cover it when those homophobes ask about why they were clinging to each other on the street, just saying they were drunk after a party. The friend was so panicked he passed out, and after going to the infirmary, Igarashi tells him about him and Nakahara dating. There's an occasion where they start to make out and Nakahara suddenly receives a call.
    • Sixth volume is still ongoing, Nakahara has a motorbike and a licence and after a day with Igarashi, it started raining like mad and they had no other option to go to a motel (of course lol). Things actually get hot and heavy but also cute, because Nakahara starts thinking how he never would've thought he would've be so in love with his best friend. Last chapter they weren't able to ~do it~ because they kept putting the other on the bottom, hinting that none wanted to be the uke, and giving up in the end. Nakahara is nervous af thinking that he feels like a loser, and hinting that bottoming will hurt his pride (not mentioned but very heavily implied) and for the first time ever, he fakes illness to skip school.

    nightwave February 11, 2021 5:35 am
    ohhh can I get some spoilers :0 shellyclammy

    The art is beautiful in the last volume, and all the chapters of it are still available in the official website. They're a very cute and sort of realistic couple.

    shellyclammy February 11, 2021 2:51 pm
    The art is beautiful in the last volume, and all the chapters of it are still available in the official website. They're a very cute and sort of realistic couple. nightwave

    ty sm :))))