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Tati February 8, 2021 5:47 pm

idk it’s kinda disappointing to see a lot of comment abt “he’s going to abort the baby, it’s so innocent and has a whole life ahead of them” it’s his choice his body. i don’t want it to happen either but my reason is bc the baby could lead him to some sort of happiness, not bc the baby is innocent and did nothing wrong to get aborted. you guys are basically supporting that abortion isn’t right for women to do because they’re killing a baby that did nothing wrong.

    bloompow February 8, 2021 5:53 pm

    YES THANK YOU i was so disappointed reading the comments :/

    haruto February 8, 2021 5:55 pm

    Ikr.. im sad how he can still say he's aborting the child. Personally, if that was me, even if I hated the guy who got me prego, I would still keep the child. The child never did anything wrong and it's a new life you created, like comon, it's a innocent child, you gonna put a grudge against the other person by killing your own child.i mean, even if he didn't want to be near Keith anymore, he can just run away with his kid, but why kill it because of a him? But, the choice is up to him . That's his body and im no place to tell others what to do with their bodies ╥﹏╥