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The seme said I don't want to see anyone else but you, but...he did it .why so ironic?

Yuki Sora February 8, 2021 8:34 pm

The seme said I don't want to see anyone else but you, but...he did it .why so ironic?

    Ling February 26, 2021 9:15 pm

    And he said that after sleeping with someone. He realized that after and not before, right? Even if the uke said it, he never looked for somebody to sleep with. Break my heart when Hagiwara knew that Yuto actually did it!

    Yuki Sora March 1, 2021 12:02 pm

    Yes;!! That last thought too .ughh

    Ivie March 1, 2021 5:55 pm

    Well what do you expect the neko just dump the tachi so his heart broken and try to drunk his sorrow and try to move on.

    Ling March 1, 2021 7:10 pm

    He could get all the drunk he wanted but in the end your resolution is to sleep with anyone to forget? He wasn't serious with that guy after all cause he had Hagiwara deep in his head and heart. Don't know if I'm harsh to him but that is childish. Anyway, it's just a manga

    Ling March 1, 2021 7:30 pm

    Though it could happen.

    Ivie March 1, 2021 7:42 pm
    He could get all the drunk he wanted but in the end your resolution is to sleep with anyone to forget? He wasn't serious with that guy after all cause he had Hagiwara deep in his head and heart. Don't know if ... Ling

    Well everyone has different ways of coping up with pain. Some people cry there eyes out, some go out with friends to have fun, some eat the food that they like, some sleep with other people to try to forget. Everyone is different ok.

    Ivie March 1, 2021 7:52 pm
    He could get all the drunk he wanted but in the end your resolution is to sleep with anyone to forget? He wasn't serious with that guy after all cause he had Hagiwara deep in his head and heart. Don't know if ... Ling

    Have you been rejected before? It's freaking painful, you're chest get all tight, and hands get all cold and sweaty, and you'd feel like you're ugly and unworthy, then embarrassed.
    What's worst is they would try to avoid you like you have a disease or something.

    Yuki Sora March 2, 2021 3:04 pm
    Have you been rejected before? It's freaking painful, you're chest get all tight, and hands get all cold and sweaty, and you'd feel like you're ugly and unworthy, then embarrassed.What's worst is they would try... Ivie

    Noooo, that last line is too much

    Yuki Sora March 2, 2021 3:06 pm
    He could get all the drunk he wanted but in the end your resolution is to sleep with anyone to forget? He wasn't serious with that guy after all cause he had Hagiwara deep in his head and heart. Don't know if ... Ling

    Haha I might also be harsh coz we were like minded

    Yuki Sora March 2, 2021 3:09 pm
    Well what do you expect the neko just dump the tachi so his heart broken and try to drunk his sorrow and try to move on. Ivie

    Yeh, just my own opinion..besides the uke also said something about not his place to feel any remorse or something

    Ivie March 2, 2021 3:36 pm
    Yeh, just my own opinion..besides the uke also said something about not his place to feel any remorse or something Yuki Sora

    Well you're the one just blaming it on one side.
    Imagine your in the seme's shoe. Confessing your love but the other party tells you to go f*** someone else making it look like you sleep around and promiscuous, now what does that make you feel?
    Now if he only just rejected him that's a different story.

    So i think he has no say or no right to feel jealous if he finds out that the seme sleep with 2 or 3 people from the time that he dump him since his the one who tells him to sleep with other guys ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    You know what they say " You Reap What You Sow"

    Ling March 3, 2021 1:42 am
    Noooo, that last line is too much Yuki Sora

    I also thought so.

    Yuki Sora March 6, 2021 12:50 am
    Well you're the one just blaming it on one side. Imagine your in the seme's shoe. Confessing your love but the other party tells you to go f*** someone else making it look like you sleep around and promiscuous,... Ivie

    Yes the uke said that to himself too.but the seme said no but he still did, though it might be the reason why the seme could say that he doesn't want anyone

    Yuki Sora March 6, 2021 12:51 am
    Well you're the one just blaming it on one side. Imagine your in the seme's shoe. Confessing your love but the other party tells you to go f*** someone else making it look like you sleep around and promiscuous,... Ivie

    Besides would you do it if someone told you too?

    Ivie March 6, 2021 5:19 am
    Yes the uke said that to himself too.but the seme said no but he still did, though it might be the reason why the seme could say that he doesn't want anyone Yuki Sora

    He already got rejected so he wants to move on, he needs someone to distract him, comfort him or at least for a night and not think about his broken hearts or he might do something he might regret like in all the other manga they force the neko
    or beg him. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Like i said people have different ways of dealing with pain or grief and i ask you first on what you would do if someone told you to sleep with someone else eh.

    Ivie March 6, 2021 5:20 am
    Yes the uke said that to himself too.but the seme said no but he still did, though it might be the reason why the seme could say that he doesn't want anyone Yuki Sora

    The seme said to himself?

    Ivie March 6, 2021 5:26 am
    Besides would you do it if someone told you too? Yuki Sora

    Like i said imagine yourself in the seme's position being rejective and humiliated by the person you love! How would you feel eh?