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Hello looking for this bl

Animestar411 February 9, 2021 3:48 am

The uke has an inferiority complex due to his brother. The uke and seme are "sex friends",seme is the one eho initiated it. Uke fell for seme. Turns out the uke brother has a weird brother complex that makes him make the uke fell loney and sad. The brother slept with a girl in his class and let uke saw it cause the uke said she was pretty. Then its found out later on that the seme(was the uke) used to sleep with the brother and liked him until brother dumped him. Seme like uke and uke was afraind that seme like the brother instead so when he saw them talking(seme was telling bro that uke was his) he went up to them and screamed at the brother the seme was his and not brother's
