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Yo, I'm confused, did I miss something?

codelia February 9, 2021 9:57 pm

Why did the tournament change? I don't remember Jayna doing anything that would have affected her fiancé and Angela in this way?
Maybe I just forgot with all the other things happening. Is there a reason he's acting differently?
If the reason wasn't shown or it's a spoiler, please don't spoil just lmk if it will be explained later or if it already has been explained.

    HamAndCheeseSandwich February 9, 2021 10:16 pm

    Lowkey spoiler?

    I think I got it from a spoiler but hint hint: Jayna isn’t into the fiancé this time

    Bobbly February 9, 2021 10:32 pm

    ahh its cause Jayna told Angela abt the crown prince so Angela changed her target. in the past Cassiel was the most powerful man she knew so she deliberately seduced him. this time, she isn't interested in him because she knows of a more powerdul man, the crown prince.

    karis February 9, 2021 10:33 pm


    In the previous timeline, Angela's maid used magic to manipulate the fiancé's feelings. Since her maid is not with her anymore, Angela will not have such an easy path to destroy Jayna.

    codelia February 9, 2021 10:34 pm
    ahh its cause Jayna told Angela abt the crown prince so Angela changed her target. in the past Cassiel was the most powerful man she knew so she deliberately seduced him. this time, she isn't interested in him ... Bobbly

    ahhh that makes sense, thanks

    karis February 9, 2021 10:35 pm

    Don't read my comment above if you don't want to be spoiled. I didn't read all of your comment before posting.

    codelia February 9, 2021 10:37 pm
    Don't read my comment above if you don't want to be spoiled. I didn't read all of your comment before posting. karis

    It's all good, since you did the effective spacing so I would have to hit the +/show more button.
    I've seen people post spoilers before without doing that or not doing enough so the spoiler is still visible.