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i was like ectasic and suddenly disapointed. come on, only 6 pages??!!! (/TДT)/

#sweet_tooth December 30, 2015 12:56 pm

i was like ectasic and suddenly disapointed. come on, only 6 pages??!!! (/TДT)/

    Lili December 30, 2015 5:08 pm

    Oh god please shut up everybody you're all so annoying with this story about the disappointment because of the 6 page. Sensei was BUSY with many things she is A HUMAN have mercy D: . Plus all of you are reading this manga for free (i always buy the original version of the volume because i want to thank sensei for her work this way) And instead of say thanks for the update all of you throw shit and disappointment at her wow great.