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This is so sad Al was used by that Butler guy and he bought into the hype know that the ri...

raziesgirl December 30, 2015 8:27 pm

This is so sad Al was used by that Butler guy and he bought into the hype know that the rightful ruler is her he still wants to keep being the princess . I'm not sorry at all for those women what made them think that they could keep the status quo when there surrounded by countries who are run by men . Oliver was treated horridly he was a queens son but sold into slavery reduced to selling his body had his manhood removed COME ON MY GOD . If that had happened to me I would have off the queen to Lord knows this mess is her and every queen before her because of them both of these boy's have suffered Al by having to live as a girl believing in this madness to a point where he has truly loss who he is entirely . And Olivier who suffered so much that he won't show mercy even though he has finally obtained what he wanted it's not even for himself the bastard who made him this way is the one who benefiting from all this horra . Buy still Al is willing to go the distance for what if they found out that he was a boy he would be treated like all the men most likely worse for impersonating the princess Al needs to leave this alone he truly has nothing to do with it .
