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Hey guys... This is a unrelated to manga but I feel like only my fellow fujoshi will help ...

Ichigo December 31, 2015 3:34 am

Hey guys... This is a unrelated to manga but I feel like only my fellow fujoshi will help me. How many people have met a really awesome friend but she ends up being enamored by sex, drinking, and partying to the point that she's only your friend in name?

I'm so sad right now that she never calls me to hang out. Every time I call her, she talks to me for five minutes and then tries her best to hang up. She spends all her time with her sex friend. I'd try to make plans to hang out with her but she always tells me that she'll make it and then the day before she'll tell me she can't go.

    rachie2258 December 31, 2015 4:15 am

    continuing this relationship is bad for your health both physically and mentally. u seam like a nice guy and u don't deserve this kind of treatment. next time u talk to her ask her to chose. if she doesn't chose u she is not worth it. u deserve someone better (▰˘◡˘▰)(๑•ㅂ•)و✧ but if u really love her fight for it

    Ichigo December 31, 2015 4:20 am
    continuing this relationship is bad for your health both physically and mentally. u seam like a nice guy and u don't deserve this kind of treatment. next time u talk to her ask her to chose. if she doesn't chos... rachie2258

    Uhmmmm, I'm actually a girl. And she's my best friend. We're strictly just friends. No love relationship.

    GBABYG December 31, 2015 4:36 am
    Uhmmmm, I'm actually a girl. And she's my best friend. We're strictly just friends. No love relationship. Ichigo

    well honestly is there a reason why your still friends with her? I know the thought of not being her friend anymore has crossed your mind but is it because you both have been through things together that makes you stay with her, do you think she needs help? you can talk to me anytime since we have this site to communicate. But really you have to deal with living in the present.

    fellowflowerhead December 31, 2015 4:36 am

    even if it isn't a love relationship, if she treats you like she doesn't matter then the friendship won't develop or be healthy. I think that maybe you should try voicing out how she doesn't put effort into the friendship and how she makes you feel unwanted at times. Maybe then if she didn't notice before, she will realize it then and try to change. If she doesn't try to change after that then I think the friendship wouldn't be healthy. But good luck with all of this (●'◡'●) I wish you luck

    rachie2258 December 31, 2015 4:37 am

    sorry when u said fujoshi I thought u meet something else I always get the two mixed. so maybe u could talk to ur other friends who knows her as well and think it over with them. c if the same thing is happening with them. trust your instincts. do what's needed to be done to protect yourself because no one can really protect you#-.-) ╥﹏╥

    fellowflowerhead December 31, 2015 4:37 am

    even if it isn't a love relationship, if she treats you like *you don't* matter then the friendship won't develop or be healthy.

    ^ my bad typo ^

    Ichigo December 31, 2015 12:54 pm
    well honestly is there a reason why your still friends with her? I know the thought of not being her friend anymore has crossed your mind but is it because you both have been through things together that makes ... GBABYG

    She keeps calling me when she needs a "friend" to cry on and then after that, I don't hear from her until the next time she needs a "friend". I do try to not be her friend but it's hard when we're the same major and our department isn't exactly big in head count. Not to mention we're in the same year so we have the same classes together. The least I can do is pretend we're friends so I don't cause drama in the department.

    Ichigo December 31, 2015 12:55 pm
    even if it isn't a love relationship, if she treats you like she doesn't matter then the friendship won't develop or be healthy. I think that maybe you should try voicing out how she doesn't put effort into the... fellowflowerhead

    I've done that before. She just walks over it like she's never heard of it. She'd make a comment about my concerns, express a little sympathy and agreement but then it's like nothing happened. She'll hang out with me for a day and then it's back to sex, alcohol, and parties.

    Ichigo December 31, 2015 12:59 pm
    sorry when u said fujoshi I thought u meet something else I always get the two mixed. so maybe u could talk to ur other friends who knows her as well and think it over with them. c if the same thing is happenin... rachie2258

    I have talked to them. They don't give a crap about her because she's always publicly talking about sex, flirts, and no one can take her seriously because she's always running around with her mouth wide open in a smile that she claims is fake because she's a very "troubled" woman with a dark past. She's always talking and thinks sexy means being scantily clad.

    Oui93 December 31, 2015 3:22 pm

    I have. More than once.
    It's not really that they are bad ppl its more that they were so involved in their habits that they never really had time to be friends. Still I found it was best for me to cut ties with them.

    Ichigo January 1, 2016 4:20 am
    I have. More than once. It's not really that they are bad ppl its more that they were so involved in their habits that they never really had time to be friends. Still I found it was best for me to cut ties with... Oui93

    I've cut ties with a lot of people because they're just too much. Unfortunately, this particular friend picked the worse time to be such a bitch. I broke up with my boyfriend three months ago and my friends chose his side even though he's anti-feminist, manipulative, and tried to isolate me from my friends. One of them tried to cyber bully me on Facebook despite the fact that she's in her 30s (I am 20) and she hangs out wih people in their late teens to early twenties. Then my ex-boyfriend saw that friend doing that to me in a group chat and joined in.

    GBABYG January 1, 2016 5:12 am
    She keeps calling me when she needs a "friend" to cry on and then after that, I don't hear from her until the next time she needs a "friend". I do try to not be her friend but it's hard when we're the same majo... Ichigo

    Thats good to hear, your a smart girl and you've your whole life ahead of you. i understand where your coming from it like the say, " shit just happens'' even though she is unavoidable in your life now you can always choose to stay away from her. why not reach and broaden your world to others one you may relate to more. the past is the past speak your mind in the present when she comes to you again. it's better to love your self then anyone else she isn't a priority you are!! the new year is here so take this chance and start over.

    Oui93 January 1, 2016 11:06 pm
    I've cut ties with a lot of people because they're just too much. Unfortunately, this particular friend picked the worse time to be such a bitch. I broke up with my boyfriend three months ago and my friends cho... Ichigo

    Just ignore them . pointless drama will only give you headaches lol

    Ichigo January 2, 2016 2:54 pm
    Thats good to hear, your a smart girl and you've your whole life ahead of you. i understand where your coming from it like the say, " shit just happens'' even though she is unavoidable in your life now you can ... GBABYG

    It's funny because she tried to call me again and she was drunk. She kept going on about how much she loves me and then her monologue wentinto how many people she made out with and how she's disgusted with herself. I promptly told her to go home before hanging up on her. Not my best choice of action but I absolutely hate people who deliberately get themselves so drunk that they drunk dial people.

    Ichigo January 2, 2016 2:55 pm
    Just ignore them . pointless drama will only give you headaches lol Oui93

    I've been doing so all New Year day.

    GBABYG January 2, 2016 8:04 pm

    shes sounds very desperate and an attention hoe