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so I'm looking for this manga I read like a while ago. I hate that I can never remember na...

strawhatpirate December 31, 2015 8:22 pm

so I'm looking for this manga I read like a while ago. I hate that I can never remember names. I remember the story lines so once in a while I have the crisis where I really wanna read a story again but don't know its name, anyhoo... (●'◡'●)ノ
its about this guy I think who is in love with a freeloading friend who lives in his house. I think its college students. and I think there is a scene where he catches the guy in bed with some chick and he get like super pissed and asks the friend to move out... I think that's what happened. if anyone would be so kind as to tell me what its called I would be super eternally grateful. I have been searching for like a week now and decided I should probably ask the other fabulous readers.
