Sorry, guys! During system maintenance, some functions like comment are unavailable. What manga is tha...

    ⚣_Holic January 1, 2016 8:51 am

    I think it's this one -
    The pic matches. It's not scanlated though.

    Rianan D Halmsu January 1, 2016 9:00 am

    Thanks! And Happy New Year! :D

    ⚣_Holic January 1, 2016 9:11 am

    You are welcome! Happy 2016 :D

    Sumi January 5, 2016 8:45 am
    Thanks! And Happy New Year! :D Rianan D Halmsu

    Woah, nice meeting a fellow Indian here! I stalked you all the way from 19 days to drop in a hi. ';)

    Rianan D Halmsu January 5, 2016 5:17 pm
    Woah, nice meeting a fellow Indian here! I stalked you all the way from 19 days to drop in a hi. ';) @Sumi

    I'm oddly flattered by the stalking comment XD
    Hello! Its nice to meet you! There are hardly any Indians here in mangago, especially the ones reading yaoi, so you're definitely a pleasant surprise!
    (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
    I live in West Bengal. You?

    Sumi January 5, 2016 8:48 pm
    I'm oddly flattered by the stalking comment XDHello! Its nice to meet you! There are hardly any Indians here in mangago, especially the ones reading yaoi, so you're definitely a pleasant surprise! (づ ̄ ³ ̄... Rianan D Halmsu

    Doooown in the south. Kerala. XD

    Aside from one or two friends who know about my obsession with all things yaoi (they don't mind it, but they don't have a fujoshi's brain to understand my hype), I haven't come across a single person who knows yaoi. Even if there are people who read manga, it is all about het and I don't like het. You could say that I have become desensitized to it. :P

    Honestly, it is an added plus that we both adore 19 Days. When did you discover it?
    Which is your favorite yaoi? Mine is all haikyuu kagehina doujins by Bubunhanten. I suspect 19 Days will make it to the top of the list though, when it is completed.^^

    Yup, and I completely forgot that I have my board exams coming up. :D (slinks in a corner)

    Rianan D Halmsu January 6, 2016 5:18 pm
    Doooown in the south. Kerala. XDAside from one or two friends who know about my obsession with all things yaoi (they don't mind it, but they don't have a fujoshi's brain to understand my hype), I haven't come a... @Sumi

    Kerela, eh? That's like WAAAAAY down there. My sister studies in Kerela, though. Coincidence, eh?

    I don't like het, either. I mean, its so weird for me when people (especially guys) say that they want lovers of the opposite sex because, in this weird fujoshi mind of mine, all things gay are hot. Het isn't hot. I have only one friend who knows that I love yaoi, and that is because she sort of introduced me to it (well, yaoi manga. I used to read yaoi fanfictions way before that). There's no one else who knows about my fujoshi obsession XD

    I don't really recall, but I do remember going through the first few chapters the first time and deciding that I won't read it because of the repetitive chapters. But the art was really hot and the story was seriously great, so after a few months I began re-reading it. And I don't regret that decision one bit.
    (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
    How'd you come across yaoi? What got you into it?
    Mine's probably Seven Days, but that's shounen ai. Ifits yaoi...WOW, I'VE GOT SO MANY, IDK EVEN KNOW WHERE TO START! As for doujins, I like the Gintama ones. Not read any Haikyuu djs, though, cuz I haven't seen the anime yet. What do you think of Free! djs?
    Board exams, eh? So you're in either class 10 or 12. Which one is it?