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Help, please

Littlelier February 11, 2021 3:25 am

Thing is, I read a Chinese novel, raw, from me surfing around. I even forgot the web. Thats the thing, I copied everything except for the original title, author and where I got it from. Now I'm suffering. Please help me out.

Story summary,
Awkward by strong
Mc have a 7 yrs relationship w a playboy. Used to be high-school sweetheart, boyfriend gave up everything for mc so mc felt very obligated to boyfriend. Mc did all the dirty deeds so boyfriend will not regret his action. Plus mc got disown by his own family too so boyfriend was all he had.
Mc even did illegal stuff for boyfriend.
...I think I might have gotten this story and another story mixed up. Wait.

1st ch start with mc coming home from work to find cheating boyfriend shoo him away. Mc left, found a place to be. Resign from his company, which he is a valuable but mistreated employer of, cause he...idk.
Apply to a rival company somehow, did a business trip with the company ceo, who kind of hate gay people because of an incident. Plane crash, mc save ceo guy.
Both got rescue, the only 2 people who survived from the crash.
Somehow fall in love. Somehow break up. Ceo guy tried to win him back, get mc back from his hiding place(being a florist in a small town).

Got back, 5 yrs later. Ceo boyfriend is showing all the symptom of a cheating bastard...and I didn't get to finish it.

All I remember was how our MC really can't stood back on his feet after dedicating his love to a person for so long, being broken to pieces, getting healed by another and now after 5 whole years of being in a healthier relationship...a future of unknown but most likely another heart break is so tragic. He's like 35 or something, older than the ceo boyfriend...i think.

Anyone help? I got the mtl in a pdf file if u need more exposure to the story.

    YesButLikeNo February 11, 2021 3:31 am

    if you check your history tab the maybe you could find it if it was fairly recent?

    Littlelier February 11, 2021 3:33 am
    if you check your history tab the maybe you could find it if it was fairly recent? YesButLikeNo

    My copying of the story into mtl stated sept 8, 2018. And I just accidentally deleted my activity from my Google account. I thought it was a search filter but it was actually a delete filter. Really can't do it by myself T-T

    WWX February 11, 2021 3:47 am
    My copying of the story into mtl stated sept 8, 2018. And I just accidentally deleted my activity from my Google account. I thought it was a search filter but it was actually a delete filter. Really can't do it... Littlelier

    Try to co-pas the story in search engine

    Littlelier February 11, 2021 4:23 am ?? xiah

    Thank you but this is the other story I'm messing up with.

    xiah February 11, 2021 6:15 am

    Hmm okay.. maybe , do you know the character names?

    xiah February 11, 2021 10:18 am

    And can you send me the file if you can?

    Littlelier February 11, 2021 8:50 pm
    And can you send me the file if you can? xiah

    I will!