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It was good until she wanted him to sleep with her.

soshi February 11, 2021 10:23 am

It was good until she wanted him to sleep with her.

    XxXxX June 26, 2021 5:50 am

    Right? I’m all for “your body, your choice” and sexual freedom but it really made me dislike the story. It was also because he never apologized either. He simply said “I didn’t know” . Okay and I’m supposed to believe he’s some sort of powerful person but couldn’t even bother to do his own background check? Also what was he doing being on the hiring board for an primary school anyway? Best part of this story was her retorts against him. Because you can see that her words impacted him more than his did to her. I also just hated his holier than thou attitude about the affair his friend had. It takes two to tango, Rosie may have “seduced” him but he was willing to be seduced.