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Girl got her brain surgery and still no bandage around her head?

soshi February 11, 2021 2:46 pm

Girl got her brain surgery and still no bandage around her head?

    SayerSong May 22, 2021 5:29 am

    It depends. I was curious, so looked it up. If a tumor is on the pituitary gland and can be removed through the nose, there would be no need for bandages or shaved head (though I would think she'd have a couple of black eyes from it). If it was at the very back of her head or on the brain stem, they may be able to get away with only shaving a small part of her hair from the back (and thus, may not need full head dressage). But what gets me is the total lack of medical equipment on and around her when she was in a glorified COMA for TWO FRIGGIN DAYS.

    Harlequin Romance needs to learn how to hospital. LOL

    Otherwise a good story.