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Who said the uke is feminine? HE’s NOT. The uke is manly, mature, naggy, stubborn, do-wh...

Asdjkl January 2, 2016 10:20 pm

Who said the uke is feminine? HE’s NOT. The uke is manly, mature, naggy, stubborn, do-what-he-thinks-first, strong, quick witted, (he’s not that honest, you can say that he always did slip of the tongue lol) and a yankee and a bitch for bonus. Kou-papa is really adorable~ how did that traits just fall into one person without destroying the beauty of it?? Good job author. Nice story

    Keylime Pie July 6, 2016 1:48 pm

    I believe the commenter was referring to the 'papa' being the girly looking one in the cover photo. You have to admit in that picture he was the girly looking one, whether or not that is how he acted in the manga. I appreciated the comment because it made me more likely to read this adorable manga. The 'son' being more masculine and forceful makes it feel less like molestation.