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Help me find this

Pancakepuff February 12, 2021 10:48 am

Its a BL - think it was a manwha.

The seme was not so loving towards his first lover, until that lover became sick of cancer and ended in a wheelchair i think. The sick lover told the guy to stop coming now, saying he has done enough and should move om and the seme refuses and says he wants to stay with him. The sick lover dies. and i think this is why the seme is very soft and attentive to his New lover - if i remember correctly,or maybe he is careful since he lost his previous lover? Just cant remember which story this is!

    Ghoulee February 12, 2021 10:59 am

    I think it’s called Incidentally Living Together

    Pancakepuff February 12, 2021 11:30 am
    I think it’s called Incidentally Living Together Ghoulee

    Ah yes thats it! Thank you!! Damn good it is.