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Tsk.. I hate it...i hate it when bad ppl get their ending like that. It's not fair!! It's ...

Dyna February 12, 2021 12:18 pm

Tsk.. I hate it...i hate it when bad ppl get their ending like that. It's not fair!! It's not fair to the dead empress, not fair to linden's sister & not fair to linden. You didn't even truly seek his just torture him more w/ your pointless & one sided death. What!? You think by your death u can erase your crime? You can show that you have repent? No u frick! It just show that u didn't want to die coz of your sickness & that's why you kill yourself. So that ppl think u die for the better good(to end all conflict) instead of a pointless old age/sickness. You selfish prick!!! Even in death u create problems.

    Army_gurl February 12, 2021 1:16 pm

    He knows it can't erase the crime but thats what linden wanted off him. to die.