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This climax is getting boring tbh. He shouldn't have died like that before he could make a...

Pluto February 12, 2021 1:37 pm

This climax is getting boring tbh. He shouldn't have died like that before he could make amends with Linden. Also, why is Linden and the other characters getting character development but our fl is still the same I guess she already had her development after she became a doctor, which changed who she is after she came back to this world, but still...
I used to like the emperor becuz he was nice to our main characters, but he's still a flawed character ig. I don't remember if it was possible, but he could've divorced the queen (Michael's mom) before he slept with the maid (Linden's mom) or fell in love with her. I can't fuking understand the thought process of people who cheat on their partners. I get that the emperor didn't love the queen, but he could've at least divorced her so he could marry the maid. Or he could've took the maid as a concubine to avoid the social status drama and shit.
I'm not trying to blame the marquis but if he knew his sister was suffering from unrequited love, he could've helped her. He could've helped her get out of there and it wouldn't be a problem becuz the emperor didn't give two shits bout her anyway. The marquis didn't help his sister becuz he cared about wat? That her feelings mattered more and wanted her to be happy with a man who didn't give two shits about her? That she refused to come back home becuz she held onto the false hope of having her feelings reciprocated? Ik everyone is flawed in their own ways but this situation is so dumb. Not like the situation is stupid itself, but the things that led to it was stupid.
I don't expect everything to be perfect but I'm still mad dat all of this happened I'm butthurt asf becuz I'm sad for every character in this manhwa.

    PrincessMoonlight February 12, 2021 1:54 pm

    Couldn’t have said it better! So true

    A Wasted Cow February 12, 2021 2:39 pm

    Agreed, it feels like the author took the easy way out. This series of events just feels so bland and void of any sort of creativity.

    rhode February 12, 2021 3:34 pm

    like you, i was actually quite fond of the king... that is until i’ve had time to really ponder about what led to this complicated mess and discovered that this is quite a dark story if you look past the surface of elise saving everyone one surgery after another. i agree with all your points and think that those are very valid, just sucks that the way to redemption was cut off by a fall.....