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It hurts! But i can bear with it.

AbcdxPanda January 5, 2016 2:12 am

Nothing hurts more than seeing a yaoi manga end with implied buttsex. Srsly, I was expecting some hot sex(I aint gonna lie haha). But hey it was so friggin adorable so its forgiven. I just wish for more updates from this couple. Theyre so cuuuuute.

    Ladia January 9, 2016 4:26 am

    I don't want to be rude, but I'm honestly curious... Do you guys read yaoi mainly because of the sex scenes/smut? I mean, if it doen't have explicit sex do you always feel disappointed??? (sometimes I have that impression reading the comments...)

    It's just that I read yaoi for the romance and the cuteness, and sometimes for the drama. I do like that yaoi is less childish than shoujo, and I do like to read sexy scenes sometimes, but if the storyline is not intersting or cute or if it's only sex, then is when I get disappointed....

    Wow January 11, 2016 4:52 pm
    I don't want to be rude, but I'm honestly curious... Do you guys read yaoi mainly because of the sex scenes/smut? I mean, if it doen't have explicit sex do you always feel disappointed??? (sometimes I have that... @Ladia

    For me, it depends on my mood. If I just want smutty sex stories I know where to read. If I want good story with sexiness I also know what to read. Sometimes I start with smutty and then move onto to a looong involved story with the romance and drama. (⌒▽⌒)

    AbcdxPanda January 11, 2016 6:57 pm
    I don't want to be rude, but I'm honestly curious... Do you guys read yaoi mainly because of the sex scenes/smut? I mean, if it doen't have explicit sex do you always feel disappointed??? (sometimes I have that... @Ladia

    Hi! Well honestly for me, it depends on the plot and charas. The last pair was a really good match, seme was so sexy and uke was adorably innocent about love, and the plot's also refreshing. From that two factors it made me want to see more and hope for a slightly detailed sex scene from those two.

    I've been a fujoshi for like 10 years now and I also like yaoi because of the same reasons as yours. I also react like that when i see comments like my comment above sometimes. It makes me wonder if these readers only read yaoi because of the sex or are they too young to appreciate small gestures of love and implied smex in yaoi.

    But we have to admit that we all want to see good sex in every yaoi we read be it implied or down dirty. We want to see hot gay(2d) sex. We need it and enjoy every moment of it. It's also one of the reason why we read/like yaoi. If, in some cases, the author decides to leave us hanging then so be it, its all good because we still enjoyed the plot and charas.

    Okay finally done. Yay. I hope i made sense in way. This is my opinion and I know not everyone will agree to this. Feel free to react, i would also like to see others opinion on this.

    Oh and Im not good at expressing myself in english. Me sorry. (PS. I dont find your comment rude, i hope you dont find my loooooong explanation as something rude too) :)

    Wow January 11, 2016 7:15 pm

    Very good explanation!! I hope my response wasn't too abrupt. ( ̄∇ ̄")

    AbcdxPanda January 12, 2016 7:34 am
    Very good explanation!! I hope my response wasn't too abrupt. ( ̄∇ ̄") Wow

    Dont worry it's not! Sometimes it also depends on my mood haha! I was gonna second your comment but I thought it's better to give @Ladia other opinions on this matter haha. Though I think we wont be hearing more from her since she's an Anon. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Wow January 13, 2016 12:48 am

    That person probably already forgot they asked the question! Lol!