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h-hello ma' your shoes need shining my queen? are you thirsty? do you feel u...

fyzzzie February 13, 2021 5:45 am

h-hello ma' your shoes need shining my queen? are you thirsty? do you feel uncomfortable? anything for you queen....are you free feb 14th? just a question haha. are you okay? ill do anything to make you feel better. your comfort is my top priority queen. love you queen have a wonderful day my wonderful sun that lightens my life. your beauty shines like freshly placed snow. your eyes are as blue as the blue liquid used in pad commercials. i love you queen. ill be thinking about you <3 you don't have to think about me queen. your existence is enough to me. i don't care if you're fake, our love knows no bounds my sweet cinderella. my honey bun. my munchkin. my dearest. my most lovely. my beautiful. my charming. my talented. my sweet. my cupcake. my baby. my number one. i dedicated this song to you look *insert girls by girl in red* what do you think my queen? i shouldn't be seen around you, my simple existence as a plebian would tarnish your very image. so sorry my wonderful master.
