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If you guys love this manga so much, you should go and buy it, the bunch of you. So the ma...

Cyrano January 6, 2016 11:51 pm

If you guys love this manga so much, you should go and buy it, the bunch of you. So the mangaka would actually gain some money out of all your enthousiasm. You admire his work, pay him! (or her)

    Anonymous January 7, 2016 1:54 pm

    I would love to do that, who don't want to contribute to the artist that create all of our joy & happiness. We readers are not that heartless, I even dream to have all the manga that i love inside my bedroom..but unfortunately not all country provide that pleasure..

    unless the manga get so high rated like the 3 legends & other manga that already reach international rank like Doraemon/ Shin-Chan..I dont think a country that not quite familiar with the term "Manga" will aloud an unnamed comic into their borders.

    Cyrano January 7, 2016 6:45 pm

    It doesn't depend where you live whether you can buy manga. You've got a computer & internet? Buy online. Tons more manga are translated in English than just Shinchan and Doraemon; buy them at Amazon or so. Those that aren't, I suggest you simply buy the Japanese version. Why not? You know the story through these scanlations, don't you? I buy all I want at http://www/ .They have a great English site and ship to any country. They're reliable and polite, as expected from Japanese people. You can pay with credit card or Paypal, in any currency. It's not expensive, and it looks great on your shelves! If you're too young for a credit card, just ask your dad to do it for you. Take the best quality manga, he'll have no objection!

    Cyrano January 7, 2016 7:57 pm

    sorry, I forgot to put the s in https ! (⊙…⊙ )

    Anonymous January 8, 2016 12:51 pm
    sorry, I forgot to put the s in https ! (⊙…⊙ ) Cyrano

    great advise...thanks a lot n also for the website(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Cyrano January 8, 2016 4:07 pm

    Lots of success buying! It's great fun to have a row of those pretty little books on your bookshelf. And remember: you start at the back, and read your way toward the front of the book! Every now and then, I look at my collection and browse through it, allthough I can't read most of what's written (I only know hiragana and a thirty-or so kanji). But If I want to know what's happening, I read the story here. At least this way, the mangaka who made the opus has some reward from our fun! If I don't, I feel like I'm taking advantage of them.

    Anonymous January 8, 2016 10:30 pm

    Well, I can't buy online. My parents won't allow me to use their cards and we are struggling financially rn. Maybe someday I could buy but not now. I really love reading manga. It's fun and helps set aside school stress but for now I can only support by giving thanks to the mangaka,the scanlators and translators and by commenting. I'm really thankful for the joy they give and hopefully someday can thank by money. ^_^

    Cyrano January 9, 2016 12:36 am

    Oh, if you're still in school, you've got plenty of time. After you've finished school and got yourself a decent job, you can do as you wish. I know all about struggling financially! And the mangaka will forgive you, I'm sure. (▰˘◡˘▰)