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UPDATE: Before judging my post, read all the replies below. I'll never understand the app...

iamxrae January 8, 2016 1:52 am

UPDATE: Before judging my post, read all the replies below.

I'll never understand the appeal of tentacles, and why characters being raped by them become sexually aroused. I don't care how good it feels, just the idea would be enough to gross out a normal man much less give him an erection. I might compare it to poop that smells like cake. No matter how good it smells, seeing it and thinking about eating it would be impossible.
But what do I know?

    Anonymous January 7, 2016 12:24 pm

    Right. And if it doesn't appeal to you, of course it's impossible that it would appeal to anyone else. That's exactly how the world works. Good luck navigating the rest of your life in the firm belief that no one else could possibly enjoy something that baffles you.

    badmoonligh89 January 7, 2016 4:48 pm

    it's because japan has/had weird censors laws about pornography.

    iamxrae January 8, 2016 1:50 am

    I don't know what got up your ass (maybe it was a tentacle), but just in case you haven't noticed, the comments section of all of these manga have something called OPINIONS. OPINIONS can come in all different shapes and sizes. I don't ever sarcastically slam someone for having an OPINION that differs from mine. Everyone is entitled to voicing their OPINION, and that's what I've done. I wasn't being bitchy, I didn't rant and rave about how awful it was, and I certainly didn't slam someone else for thinking differently. I think people who feel they have to belittle someone because of their differing opinions need to get off their high horse.

    I actually thought the art was wonderful, the characters were cute, and the appeal of tentacles beyond my understanding. I rated it 3 stars - I liked it.

    Mameiha January 30, 2016 1:41 pm
    @anonymous:I don't know what got up your ass (maybe it was a tentacle), but just in case you haven't noticed, the comments section of all of these manga have something called OPINIONS. OPINIONS can come in all ... iamxrae

    Well said. I've got some weird fetishes, personally, but I didn't find your original comment to be anything more than your view of the subject. A person's opinion should at least be respected, even if you don't agree. You were not trying to push your views - just expressing them. Moreover, I hate it when people are too cowardly to sign up or sign in, but have the audacity to post hateful comments in reply to others.
    I'm not big on tentacle porn either and the slugs gave me the shivers, but the story was adorable and the tentacles at least fit the "sea life" theme.

    serenity_bee April 28, 2016 4:25 am
    @anonymous:I don't know what got up your ass (maybe it was a tentacle), but just in case you haven't noticed, the comments section of all of these manga have something called OPINIONS. OPINIONS can come in all ... iamxrae

    Well said...

    Persephone July 22, 2016 1:15 am

    You could worded your opinion better "just the idea would be enough to gross out a normal man" especially this sentence, you come off condescending. You want your opinion not to be slammed but you kink shaming others, make it seems like those who got turned on by that kink is abnormal. It's free to have opinions but expect to others to react harshly if you have harsh opinions.

    Persephone July 22, 2016 1:20 am
    You could worded your opinion better "just the idea would be enough to gross out a normal man" especially this sentence, you come off condescending. You want your opinion not to be slammed but you kink shaming ... Persephone

    Oh, I read the anon comment, it's not that harsh after all. He/she just said that just because something doesn't appeal to you doesn't mean it's not appealing to others. Isn't that true? Unless there is other anon comments that got deleted.