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Ling February 13, 2021 9:50 pm

I don't like at all the end of the second one. What was that about? Because you're through hard times, you have the right to mistreat and hit me? Hell no! On the top of that he was the one who dumped Hayato? And Nagisa is way too much of a good guy, he could find a better one, but he fell for the worst guy!

    tbwl March 8, 2021 9:32 pm

    seriously, like dude you’re right.. you deserved nothing. at least not as soon as he did, he barely had time to “change”. he was mad at the world, abusive, threw a pity party, and suddenly everything was okay ?? i didn’t like it

    Ling March 8, 2021 9:51 pm
    seriously, like dude you’re right.. you deserved nothing. at least not as soon as he did, he barely had time to “change”. he was mad at the world, abusive, threw a pity party, and suddenly everything was ... tbwl

    Yeah! at least more time.