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Smh i don't understand what the author trying to pull if that man looking girl going to be...

mini_b2013 January 8, 2016 1:39 am

Smh i don't understand what the author trying to pull if that man looking girl going to be with him just end it giving us false hope regarding hanada and sakura.its clear sakura love this idiot play boy and stop trying to make sakura as the bad person in the relationship..uggh so irritated

    Sakura shouldnt have left him. January 10, 2016 10:08 pm

    sakura is the bad one. Leaving isnt exactly showing quality relationship.

    mini_b2013 January 10, 2016 11:14 pm

    Lol what you mean leaving yeah she should had told him she only got 1 ticket to leave but her achieving her goals and asking him can he wait for her until she get back doesn't make her the bad person smfh(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Anonymous January 11, 2016 9:33 am
    Lol what you mean leaving yeah she should had told him she only got 1 ticket to leave but her achieving her goals and asking him can he wait for her until she get back doesn't make her the bad person smfh(๑�... mini_b2013

    that would have been a reasonable reason. Xpt she was also running away, which if u deny means u didnt read the story, and was getting pressured by the feelings Hanada had for her. If she just said ' oh lemme pursue this' it woulda been cool but she was like ' marriage? scary. Bye im gonna be independent. '

    Spoilers again! July 17, 2017 8:02 pm
    that would have been a reasonable reason. Xpt she was also running away, which if u deny means u didnt read the story, and was getting pressured by the feelings Hanada had for her. If she just said ' oh lemme p... @Anonymous

    If YOU had read the story you would know HE'S the one who told HER that he hated girls who always wanted something from him once they were together. So if you want to deny that it means you haven't read the story AND, all things being equal, him never telling her that he never changed his mind makes HIM equally GUILTY. I would run away from a guy like that who proposes marriage. Even IF that isn't the reason she ran away it was that part of her that didn't want the pressure that was part of the reason he fell in love with her because that was what made her never pressure HIM. So he's a hypocrite but everyone just wants to blame Sakura. SAD.