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Interesting mix of stories and a page insertion glitch.

Mental Nails January 8, 2016 8:11 pm

My faves were CH3 (which made me think of Steve Martin in 'Little Shop of Horror' see below for a link), the one about the concierge (CH5? Hard to tell since things aren't broken up.) was funny for the character gap stuff, and the final story about the tattoo artist was really beautifully done. I've got a list of stuff that includes a bit of kimono unwrapping. I'm going to try rereading later-- maybe I wasn't feeling all the guys in suits thing because I'm not in the mood for it? Dunno. Overall not bad, I thought.

(Sadistic) Dentist song:

And no, you're not crazy, there's a random page from CH3 stuck in the tattoo artist's tale:
