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anon February 15, 2021 8:04 pm

so i feel like this is the chapter that shows you their true relationship, she is crying and pouring her heart out to her husband who she thinks she doesnt love, but the husband (who is the one that is actually in love with her) doesnt try to comfort her, doesnt reach out to her, doesnt even hold her hand, but instaed looks at her coldly, in the panel when she is crying and finally looks up to see her husband coldly looking at her, anyone would feel like a fool in that situation. Had he had a slightly kinder expression, guided her to a chair, brought her water and then listened to her. And he claims to be in love pfffft dont make me laugh. and in the next panels you see him get angry, the FL realises she upset him and reaches out TO him although she is the one who was crying, and he just slaps her hand away, like C'MON MAN SHOW SOME EMPATHY, her son who was ignored all this time, actually shows empathy, looks at her kindly follows her to her room and stays outside her door until she falls asleep, and this is a child who was deprived of love, doesnt know what love is, and this child is better at empathy than that blockhead father of his, imean i get that he (the father) is socially awkward but that is NO EXCUSE to be a bitch, he shouldn't have married hr if he couldn't replicate human emotions, i bet her "second best" would have shown her more emotions, IM SO FRUSTRATED AT THIS ML
