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Last story completely enrages me

Aiya-chan January 12, 2016 10:05 pm

Some of the stories were kinds okay but others I just hated. The last one was just too much, makes me want to strangle the mangaka a little. First of all that is NOT BDSM that sexual assault and rape, fucking hate it when that shitty fucking myth is spread around. And even worse the whole idea that your can "train" someone to be a certain way sexually, whether it's preferences or orientation. For gods fucking sake!!! It should be freaking criminal to spread this ridiculous and harmful nonsens. Who ever came up with the idea of raping someone to change there sexuality is a fucking moron who should burn in the deepest pits of hell to the end of time together with every other dumbass falling in to this shit. And also: How the hell did Sadahiro-sensei think when deciding that this would be a good plot twist to put in the story. FFS! I'm loathing this kind of bullshit.

    Cynder------ella April 10, 2016 6:20 am

    My thoughts exactly fellas. I read everything trying to find good thing in this mangakas train of thought and guess what? There's nothing. And it hurts my Yaoi heart to say this but its a crappy storyline ever! Rape doesn't justify anything. I don't like rape and never will be!

    Aiya-chan April 20, 2016 11:02 pm

    Glad to hear I'm not alone on this :)

    LaughingAardvark August 4, 2017 5:46 am

    In a way you can train someone by raping them. You can train them to never want to have sex again.

    Aiya-chan September 23, 2017 1:58 am
    In a way you can train someone by raping them. You can train them to never want to have sex again. LaughingAardvark

    Still no though. Firstly rape is not sex and secondly not being a way to change anyone's sexuality includes asexuallity. It can no more make anyone asexual than it can "cure" it.