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Hot but..

lamby February 17, 2021 6:30 pm

MC is an actual waste of space in a zombie apocalypse. If you can't fight then at least be useful by having some other skill or be willing to try to survive. It's been 2 years but he still freezes in place and cries whenever he sees a zombie? How has he survived? Why would anyone (who doesn't want to fuck him) even bring him along and protect him?

    MysticWolf February 17, 2021 8:38 pm

    Exactly he can't even choose weather he wants to live or die like come on. He doesn't have any skills he cant even kill a zombie even if his life or others depended on it I dont know how he made it that far ..........he really pisses me off but ok#-.-)

    Mao_Jack February 18, 2021 2:27 am


    No worries he will learn to survive. Previously he can't bcoz he stay with those sh**** ppl called friends (who's keep on blame on him) he already have a low self-esteem n be more low coz of them. But after he meet MLs, he change. He can kill both zombies n human (who tried to harm him)