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I feel like I’m in the minority here, but all these comments are starting to annoy me...

Lily February 17, 2021 9:36 pm

There’s a ton of comments here saying they’re disappointed with how Reki has been portrayed... Yeah it sucks he hasn’t won anything at all yet and seems more like a side-character for some, but it’s only episode 4 guys! I get how compared to the OP-ness of Langa and how he’s won so much despite only just starting skateboarding, Reki seems like he’s not getting the spotlight. But Reki has strong characteristics in his own ways. He seems like the brains behind the duo, he’s helping teach Langa and makes skateboards to accommodate the skater’s needs, which is a really important and interesting aspect. I feel like Reki might be the brains while Langa is the brawns. Both can’t succeed without the other, if it weren’t for Reki Langa’s potential couldn’t come to fruition.

I find Reki to be more of a guy who has done skating almost all his life because he loves it and has passion to keep on doing it, but he’s a normal average skater. I think Langa is a natural talent with a gift for boarding (whether that be snowboarding or skateboarding, etc.). I think he might have been a really talented snowboarder on an almost pro-level and/or his dead dad was a pro-snowboarder. And this happens in real life, there’s people who naturally pick up things easily and combine this gift with dedicated training and passion to excel at the medium, but then there’s also people who dedicate a large part of their life to something and even if they really work at it and love it they still are just average but they have fun doing it - that’s what matters most to them... and that’s okay.

Reki still has a lot of things going for him as a character, just because he’s not a winner doesn’t mean he’s bland. His personality is really something that is really relatable and definitely draws you in, yet still feels like he really is a teenage boy who just wants to have fun. Plus, Reki just lost to Shadow so it would be absurd for him to win against an even more powerful skater like Adam.

I do think Reki possibly might beat Adam later on towards the climax/finale because that’s a typical anime thing to do, but I wouldn’t be mad if that never happened either. He’s shown he can grow in this episode, but he needs much more time to develop his skills than the unorthodox naturally talented Langa. We also see a childhood flashback moment in this episode that seems like it may have negatively impacted Reki so that could be a wall/limitation he faces later on.
