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I need help finding this manwha (if it is)

tehah February 18, 2021 8:11 am

It’s about two vampire brothers which dislike eachother. (thats what I remember) older brother (?) is short and the younger brother is tall. They own (? Sorry if that was the wrong term) a Church and you can donate blood every month or so. They also offer you free drinks. (It was green) The customer can sign a contract where they can donate blood and receive a huge amount of money in return. They also have a butler (I think it is a butler) that looks kinda like Colonel Sanders.

Younger brother or older brother stumbled upon a girl which was homeless (?) and wore a grey hoodie. She sat at a stairway and the walls had bunch of flyers and posters. Younger brother or older brother offered her a card. Then, the girl showed up to the church to donate her blood for the money.

Also, in a chapter..the two brothers fought because the older brother said: “Do you really think eating that (salad) will make you human?” (Along the lines of that).
