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A lot of these couples fell flat for me, since I found one partner of each pairing rather ...

Anonymous January 17, 2016 7:09 am

A lot of these couples fell flat for me, since I found one partner of each pairing rather boring.

In Yusa/Motoki, I found Yusa's backstory (his rationale) disappointing. The concept had a lot of potential-- "I was frightened of the idea of homosexuality and wanted to escape from you, and in the process ended up wrecking my potential"-- but it was hugely ruined by how lightly the manga treated it. Yusa was so scared that he ran to a different country. Yet, when he comes back, he has no qualms about it anymore; there's no hint whatsoever that Yusa was scared of the concept of homosexuality. The whole moving to USA cliché sounds like an excuse to give him piercings and a playboy attitude. What pissed me off the most is that he got a girl pregnant, but the manga brushes it off as a joke. I know it wasn't his fault; he was the victim. But even so, I wanted to see his fearful reaction-- the type of response that made him fly all the way back to Japan. And I wanted to see that his life had more purpose than simply "I love Motoki." Hell, I was hoping Yusa would care about the fact that his grades and social life (it was implied he slept around with girls ando lost his charismatic front) fell wayward. I was hoping he would regret-- at least somewhat-- that he gave up on judo when he had so much potential. I was hoping he would lash out when Motoki confronted him about how Yusa had fallen from his former glory.

In short, I wanted to see the complex sides to Yusa that the manga told me about. I have nothing against simple slice of life school stories; hell, some of them are my favorite yaoi mangas of all. But if that was all it was going to be, I wish they didn't make it as if this was going to be anything more. I wish they had cut the introduction with Motoki's angsty monologue, and jumped straight into the sexual tension to show that it was going to be only that, and nothing more.

In retrospect, I should have picked up from the lighthearted atmosphere that the manga wasn't planning to seriously explore Yusa's ambitions.

I don't want to make a comment that's 100% salt, so I'll end it by saying that sensei was hot as fuck, lmao.

    MaMere March 6, 2016 7:09 pm

    I actually really like this manga, but I also see your point of view. Sensei was hot (▰˘◡˘▰)