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Minho is such a good character

ShonaNingyo February 18, 2021 11:05 pm

He is the kind of person you see in real life that believe their own hype and have an inflated sense of self-worth to the point that they trash everyone around them. Sometimes that sense of entitlement gets them in trouble, or job offers/opportunities don't land in their laps like they expected. Minho thought he was the greatest writer ever and yet Duna became the gold star in the department. He burned his bridge with her over envy and pride. He is so unlikable because he believes he's just so much better than everyone else, but people like that often get their comeuppance since the universe seems to love to throw curveballs at egotistical people.

On the one hand, Minho deserves a lot of the shit he's dealing with because of his bad attitude; even when he gets beaten down, there's still a wall there that prevents him from truly humbling himself and realize why everything is going belly up. He knows that the senior staff look down on him, but he doesn't realize that he also needs to earn the respect of his peers or he won't get far in life. I do empathize with his fear of being labelled irrelevant or incompetent and being rejected, and feeling envious over someone else's success, though, and the fear of being mocked by peers as a failure, of being run-of-the-mill or "average". The author of this story really maintains that fine balance between sympathy and scorn one should have toward a guy like him. Yeah he's suffered a lot of humiliation and egg on his face, but he was an asshole for no reason. He is a man that cannot see why he is in the wrong through just talking about it, and oddly enough being assaulted and humiliated the way he has inspired a tiny bit of self-reflection, which goes to show that, as unpopular as it is, sometimes a bit of trauma does make you realize what a piece of shit you are. Sometimes, for certain people. It's had mixed results for Minho so far...
