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just Think

CrystalAris January 18, 2016 12:21 am

If he had said he loved her when she did this story would have been shorter. Don't get me wrong good story, but I really don't get Ralph. @ the cottage he like, 'don't ask me about that woman.' What did he expect his wife to think. he just had too many secrets and the wife was too scared to ask (heck I'd be in the same position, not asking). just so many misunderstandings and after the 'joy of marriage' if u don't tell her I love you and 'lets extend the contract' what the hell is she supposed to think, 'Oh this guy is trying to get me to like him cute' ... mostly when a person is distressed we only see what's in front of us or what we assume (main reason why if an officer's family is involved in a case that officer would need to work on another case )

...good story ...just.... ugh.

    Noodles February 20, 2017 9:55 pm

    Agree. Ralph acted more like little boy in playground. It wasn't bad story but I kinda wished he grow out of it. It's bit sad that his bride who's younger than he is, acted more mature than he does.

    Comadrin August 15, 2020 3:12 am

    Nothing turns me off a story faster than a male lead who can only be charitably described as a man-baby. Also, that "keeping secrets when he knows all about her" is a juvenile and incredibly cheap ploy to keep the balance of power in his hands. "I know all about you, but you don't know much about me!' It's very akin to gaslighting. You can use your knowledge against her, but she doesn't have any kind of comeback for it. Crummy, manipulative power play.