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I love the main story but dislike the side stories. So I'm feeling very conflicted about ...

Anonymous January 18, 2016 2:34 am

I love the main story but dislike the side stories.

So I'm feeling very conflicted about how to rate this manga.

    vegeJuicy February 26, 2016 12:58 am

    Yeah if just the mangaka only focused on sakamoto's story perhaps we'll get their sex scenes uuughhhh

    Apple Pie March 12, 2016 2:33 pm

    I thought they were all adorable. I just wish there was more of everything

    Rehena August 5, 2016 7:26 am
    I thought they were all adorable. I just wish there was more of everything @Apple Pie

    All of them are adorable and its too bad its short afterall I'm weak when its cute stuff.