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Fuck Older Sister Girl (LONG RANT)

your local dead bitch February 19, 2021 7:03 am

I forgot the older sisters name, and I'm sorry if this offends anyone. But she is a selfish fucking bitch. Don't even use the "well she was a kid bla bla bla" excuse. (i get i'm being a jerk but i'm angry and petty right now so let me rant)

When I was 7 or 8 i had a strong inferiority complex and just major issues at that young age. Literally already suicidal at that age and such a jealous brat. Yet I knew right from wrong. I knew it was wrong to do this and that and ya da ya.

She knew what she was doing was wrong, yet she was so absorbed into herself that she gave into it. I understand that feeling of "I'll never be better, and no matter how hard I'll try no one will ever notice me because I'll never be better. It's not even my fault I'm not good enough, yet I'll always feel this way and be treated this way" (yes weird for a young kid to think like but as I said i had weird issues at that age).

But anyways I GET that feeling I understand it, but I never treated ANYONE like crap no matter what I felt. Why? Because I KNEW that even if I did treat them badly, nothing would be gained. What would I get? Pride? No major guilt and regret. SO WHY. WHY DID THIS BITCH DO IT ANYWAY? HUH? Why didn't she fight to stick with her sister? She just decided to take her place and leave her behind. Doing the very thing she didn't want to happen. A literal sociopath at that age.

And my BIGGEST PROBLEM WITH HER? She hasn't changed AT ALL? LIKE AT ALL! She is STILL using her sister's fucking name, she is STILL taking her place, she hasn't changed her method at ALL! I get she's guilty and all, but feeling guilty and not doing anything about it is a different issue. UGH. And I heard spoilers (don't read past here for spoilers) I heard that she will have someone fuck up her sisters hand. because her sister is good at art she let her inferiority complex get the best of her AT THIS AGE and will ruin her sister's life EVEN more.

She's a fucking scumbag. Also yes, I do keep this petty and angry attitude towards the DUDES in manhwas. I recommend you do the same.

    iwillpissurpants February 19, 2021 4:02 pm

    he choices were kinda justified though, she was demoted and all the other kids who were in 6th place disappeared. She knew she was going to be disposed of so in a desperate attempt she gave into her jealousy

    your local dead bitch February 22, 2021 11:06 pm
    he choices were kinda justified though, she was demoted and all the other kids who were in 6th place disappeared. She knew she was going to be disposed of so in a desperate attempt she gave into her jealousy iwillpissurpants

    so i'm finally not as petty right now and i'm in a calm mood and i've realised that. but my problem is that she CONTINUES to do it yk, and well I wish she could've fought harder to stick with her sister together. but oh wells i'll just see how it goes.