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doesn't kuro remindes you of Hide?

Anonymous January 18, 2016 7:11 pm

doesn't kuro remindes you of Hide?

    Dawn February 10, 2016 3:00 am

    Yes!!!! Also this looks like a doujinshi of TK Ghoul Kaneki x Hide!!!

    Anonymous March 6, 2016 8:00 pm
    Yes!!!! Also this looks like a doujinshi of TK Ghoul Kaneki x Hide!!! Dawn

    OMFG UR RIGHT!!!!!!!!! 0.0 XDDDDDDDD

    Dawn March 7, 2016 1:57 pm


    Angel of Darkness August 16, 2016 4:07 pm
    Yes!!!! Also this looks like a doujinshi of TK Ghoul Kaneki x Hide!!! Dawn

    Whats TK Ghoul?

    Anonymous August 16, 2016 4:37 pm
    Whats TK Ghoul? Angel of Darkness

    Tk short for Tokyo! Tokyo Ghoul is a manga written by Ishida Sui and got adapted into anime in 2014!

    Angel of Darkness August 16, 2016 4:47 pm
    Tk short for Tokyo! Tokyo Ghoul is a manga written by Ishida Sui and got adapted into anime in 2014! @Anonymous

    I have never heard of Tokyo Ghoul, what's it about?

    Monicawinz September 13, 2016 6:01 pm
    I have never heard of Tokyo Ghoul, what's it about? Angel of Darkness

    Its hard to explain i think u should try to watch/read it by yourself, maybe u should read the manga first, coz the anime (season 2) is a little different from the manga.

    RinRin December 18, 2016 1:28 am
    I have never heard of Tokyo Ghoul, what's it about? Angel of Darkness

    Tragedy and sandwiches