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About those characters

Caurie February 20, 2021 2:13 am

I just ran into a manga like this, so I decided to write my thoughts down in case anyone who translates or would like to try sees it...
We all know that character that talks about herself in 3rd person right? Like Frosch from fairy tail that keeps saying "Fro thinks so too!"
Now here I noticed that people sometimes get make things a little confusing when they try to translate this 3rd person talk in longer sentences. When translating its important to keep the language your translating to in mond too. So please when you see this and would like to keep it 3rd person to stay true to the character, don't change midway in your sentence. Many times these characters in the translation end up saying things like (I gonna use random name here) Tanaka: "Tanaka thinks I'm good at football too", but this changes the meaning of the whole sentence. It makes it seem as if Tanaka was a random person thinking the person saying the sentence is good, but in reality they are the same person. Its okay to translate it as "Tanaka thinks he's good at football too". It makes much more sense in english, and the reader will still know that our character Tanaka just has this way of speaking and he's actually talking about himself.
I don't mean to offend anyone with this, it just bothered me a little and I wanted to write it out, I hope it might even be able to help a little
