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This story was a emotional roller-coaster. I skipped the first 40 chapters cause I stopped...

ShazAch February 20, 2021 6:48 am

This story was a emotional roller-coaster. I skipped the first 40 chapters cause I stopped reading it earlier for some reason.
I was mad at doc for not believing Jimmy at first and was not really excited about seeing Jimmy with Henry but as the chapters progressed I fell in love with them and when Henry was on the verge of death I sobbed so hard cause without realising it, Henry became one of my favourite characters. Jimmy was such a sweetheart and always owned my heart, and I was worried about what would happen when he lost control but thank God he came back. And mason, oh mason. I didn't lile him at first but when he came to the rescue countless times and risked his life to save Henry, that man also broke my heart and had me sobbing. So basically this is an amazing story that I will never reread cause of the emotional trauma my heart endured.
Or I'll reread the happy parts and try and be happy with the minimal scenes of these characters having a day of not being bothered by some psycho.
