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cats are liquid February 20, 2021 6:10 pm

I'm really really freakin' glad that his sister isn't sum "annoying btch" that gets on everyone nerves, or sum goody goody two shoes who would always stop the mc to fight and would just want to work it out with "words" even tho, the mc's gonna get beaten (like wtf, get outta here) K, I blabbered too much. I'M JUST REALLY GLAD SHE ISN'T. His sister and grandfather are so precious (including him ofc). REALLY. I JUST LOVE HIS FAM.

    PotatoPirate February 20, 2021 9:06 pm

    Yup love how his sister doesnt force him to sag what he was doing before coming back. It’s not easy to talk about certain things and Im just thankful that she doesnt force him

    cats are liquid February 21, 2021 6:35 am
    Yup love how his sister doesnt force him to sag what he was doing before coming back. It’s not easy to talk about certain things and Im just thankful that she doesnt force him PotatoPirate

    yah, and thats what makes her more loveable~