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A big clue about their age-Speculation!

Srsly February 20, 2021 4:17 pm

Lots of people get shocked over the idea of them being minors but listen

If all the other hints that’s been said doesn’t make you believe what about this (ex Jian Yi disappearance on the second day of HS):

He Tian is begging for help from his bro (big blow to his pride-he almost never does this)

Why? Because of the transfer. But if he’s 18 or older couldn’t he just say no? Why can’t he? Likely because he is under the age of 18.

But he lives alone right? His brother likely pays for everything. All his money is likely from his family. Do we ever see him working? Does he even have a career or job? All that richness probably isn’t even his own. In the end he is a kid who everything he has comes from his family whether he hates them or not.
