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The story is great but idk.

Natsu February 20, 2021 4:48 pm

Don’t get me wrong so far the story is okay. I do like the idea and the art is great. But idk the girlfriends are kinda rubbing me off the wrong way. They lowkey blame the boyfriend saying it his fault that he didn’t recognize the difference between the two. And the boyfriend seems like he have no balls and won’t straight up tell them like it is. Im hoping that he drop them or put some space between them to sort this out. Sure it’s amazing to have twin girlfriends but if they can lie about that then who knows what else they’re lying about.

The concept of this story is really good and have a lot of potential but the ml is just a pushover. Truthfully i like his boss more than the twin girlfriends.

Anyway so far i like the story but i do wish the ml grows a pair.
