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warning: fuckery rant

naisha84 February 20, 2021 9:01 pm

who the fuck keeps disrespecting the translators? they work hard for us who cant afford or wont go buy the shit we all love to read.

i get it i have said "update plz" before
but that was when i first started into this world and i didn't realize how hard it is to do this kinda work( a lot of them do it in their spare time ) for us. they have lives too.
i have never disrespected the type setters or translators or cleaners( and who ever else i may have missed)
im tired of having something im invested in dropped because people are disrespectful

maybe im too invested in these stories but these fictional characters are what pulled me through a hard time
(laugh if you want idc)

i know im not the only one invested in these and other stories we get to see so many points of view and worlds... bottom line is this
if you cant do the work or want to help then stfd and stfu damn

thank you translator and im sorry for the fuckery you have endured
