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remember when yeon woo said that jun would be safe as long as there were mirrors in the house?

celyn February 21, 2021 12:39 am

(just a theory) remember when yeonwoo said that jun would be safe as long as there were mirrors in the house? i think he said that because with the mirrors either a) he can see through them or b) his 'reflection' can see through them and warn yeon woo if anything happened to jun. for both options, yeon woo can command the 'hands' to kill, whether they come out of the black room or out of the mirror in the black room. he purposefully killed someone right in front jun to trigger jun's memories of yeonwoo's parents getting killed, then brainwashed him afterward to distort his memories into who yeon woo wants him to be like. honestly, i love this manhwa, it's fascinating! and the fact that jun bby started off so innocent has me shaking- ;00 OOO I JUST THOUGHT OF SOMETHING- after they looked at the black mirror, they both probably started seeing their reflections talking to them and those hands, but yeon woo chose to accept them while jun forgot?
