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not related....

ian January 23, 2016 4:45 am

first, i'm sorry this is not related to this web theme.
i just want to release my stress. *cry in the corner
it's my first year in university. my exam for this semester already finished last week.
now, i have a problem with my score in one subject. (the truth is i still don't know my score, but....if it's worse...) *it cos the teacher of the subject say 'if your score worse.....repeat it in the short semester'
but, i've to pay for it...
the problem is... i don't live with my parents, but with my aunt and her husband.
i don't work so i don't have any income. i have money that i save, but, it's not enough. i'm feel sorry for them if i ask about money. if, it isn't money, i'm fine with short semester. really it's troubling me....if i ask my mom, it'll end up with my aunt after all... same for my dad too... *i feel bad
i feels... i really want to run from reality. *i'm hopeless
again... i'm really sorry with this stupid thing and my english...
last, i know it's not a place fo something like this. sorry and thanks

    nickname January 22, 2016 4:48 pm

    what about part time? There's something that you can't deal.. all by yourself. Try discusing this with someone older and try again..

    in my case, Money is something that I must earn by work. So If I didn't have work, I must start searching job, part time or full time,.. either one is fine. as long as my hardwork pay me good.

    Anonymous January 22, 2016 4:49 pm

    I don't know how big sum of money that is, but I know the feeling of not wanting to spend relatives money. My parents paid my driving school but I didn't pass the driving test first time. It always costs more to do it again and it already was expensive. So I felt bad for spending more money since I failed. I never talked about this feeling to them. I think maybe it's ok to convey your feelings. I'm sure you tried your best even if the score becomes too low. And maybe you get higher score and everything will be fine^^ I just myself have the habit of worrying before I know for certain too.

    Adrianna January 22, 2016 5:09 pm

    Tbh I think you should talk about it at least to one of your parents, since it was your first year in college so it was still new to you and you didn't know what to do. Maybe the opinion from the adult will help you somehow :)

    ian January 23, 2016 4:44 am

    thaks all... i feel better now.
    i'll try to discuss it with my friends and my senpai.
    i think part time is good ide. i'll try searching for it...and ask for permission from my aunt.
    i always worrying about uncertain thing...always...
    i try to get rid of it but, it's really hard.
    thanks again... i'll do my the best.