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Now everyone understand how ML and his old friends were trash right? And now they're good ...

JaneSarang February 21, 2021 3:19 pm

Now everyone understand how ML and his old friends were trash right? And now they're good guys? Who cares? Not me. Ml just abonded his past and acted like nothing happens but fo should learn about all of that past. This is not fair for her while she continues that relationship while dont know about his true old self. She now loves him because she dont know about his past. This is not fair. He was the worst. He "shared his girl" (if you read the chapter 49 you can see how they manipulated girls) with his friends. I am not okay about how he didnt pay for his sins and just erased all of that past. Where is the justice for FL???? He knew how FL will broke up with him if she will learned about that so he hides that. But this is not okay because his past not just a "playboy" thing. His crimes and faults so heavier. And his past clearly came after him and haunted to Megumi too. (His ex just came and bullied our megumi). She should learn that. If she will learn but want the continue that relationship with him that will be her choice. But if he continue the hide that past, this means this is not fair for her. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    nadica1409 February 21, 2021 3:36 pm

    I am confused. What are you talking about?

    JaneSarang February 21, 2021 4:57 pm
    I am confused. What are you talking about? nadica1409

    They were 'share' girls with each other. And when they talking with each other his friends told him " hey! When you will share her with us?" He refused them. And remembered a scene at the past about how they "shared"... They were real "worst boys" and now he is a real GOOD man. But now he hides his past but his past just came after him. And he hides that from her becaus he knew she will not love him anymore if she will learn about all this past. And that's not fair for her because she harassed by that past (one of the his ex). In a relationship you can't do that. Especially if you didnt erase that past but just ran away from that past while that's came from you.. did you remember that girl which one a relationship with glasses guy(megumi's friend)? She was the one of that girls which one "shared" by his old friends. Everyone know everything but hides that from Megumi.

    IEat&LiveFor8o1 April 18, 2021 6:55 pm
    They were 'share' girls with each other. And when they talking with each other his friends told him " hey! When you will share her with us?" He refused them. And remembered a scene at the past about how they "s... JaneSarang

    He doesnt hide it from Megumi. Megumi chose not to learnt Soushi's past when his about to reveal it.

    Danii June 5, 2024 6:53 pm

    I read 49 but it didn't have anything like that....did you mix up the chapters?