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I know this manga gets a lot of negative heat but I still love it anyways. I love the exag...

Seriously! January 24, 2016 7:11 am

I know this manga gets a lot of negative heat but I still love it anyways. I love the exaggerated content and drama. I get enough boring real life events every day so why would I want to read something like that? I bought the in your hand flip your own pages manga version and I have to say the properly translated content makes a world of difference. Not knocking the translators! Love you guys!!! It isn't half as cheesy as it seems. There's still pointless drama but I promise it makes a difference! Even if you don't buy it at least some where in your travels read a real life copy. That applies to any manga really, but none the less manga are hard to acquire if your not a native speaker or live in certain countries. So the struggle is real just to find any version to isn't fair sometimes!!!
