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Stop using gay people as prop for arguments.

Danae February 22, 2021 7:47 pm

If there is something I despise the most is the brand of people who give themselves of kind of role of defender or spoke person of a community that never gave them that title.
Stop thinking that gay men are your banner or prop to win arguments about stupid fictional characters or Yaoi.
This behavior is way more typical on young teenagers who, as I understand since I was once a teen too trying to prove how 'mature' and woke I was while reading material that was beyond my allowed age.
My brother is gay. I'm bi. He has a laugh browsing my Yaoi story. He laughs at Bara. Even so I am myself and he his own person. It is so irritating watching 13 year olds thinking they are speaking on our behalf when they regurgitate their trained talking points they got from tiktok or instagram or whatever about 'fetish of gay men' or Yaoi is harmful to gay men and people.
I tell you : FUCK YOU. No one gave you permission to take offense on my place on anything or even go around telling people they are responsible for my perceive struggle just because they read yaoi or ship a fucking unrealistic idiotic whatever is your beef of the day fictional couple.
Even if there are gay men or people who may not like specific shit, stop think we are all one size fits all group of people. My brother has his own feelings, it may very well be very different from other gay men because, surprise, even gay people don't all think alike.
Dislike Yaoi as much as you like. dislike a ship or whatever is the thing that makes your butt hurts the most but please, stop using real life people like prop just because you want to win an argument in shit post where you think the universe depends on you shaming a particular group of people for doing absolutely nothing harmful besides harming your self validation needs.

    yV9669 February 22, 2021 8:32 pm

    Wholeheartedly agreed!

    Zarathustra February 22, 2021 8:36 pm

    ah, good times.... being a 14 year old, good proper girl, picking Yaoi to read, dissing 'fujoshi' in self righteous rants and feeling I like I'm saving the world.

    Then you became an older pervert, reads everything you want without guilt and even brags about it. 13 going 30. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    yV9669 February 22, 2021 8:43 pm
    ah, good times.... being a 14 year old, good proper girl, picking Yaoi to read, dissing 'fujoshi' in self righteous rants and feeling I like I'm saving the world. Then you became an older pervert, reads everyt... Zarathustra

    lol. They'll grow. Makes me wonder why they read yaoi in the first place, though. Isn't there shounen ai?

    Zarathustra February 22, 2021 10:08 pm
    lol. They'll grow. Makes me wonder why they read yaoi in the first place, though. Isn't there shounen ai? yV9669

    I know. On the other hand, my hero would be a 13 year old who hangs around a certain very popular shounen ai and dissected all the reasons on why a story with cute version of 'dominant seme gets his uke after obsessively stalking, unwanted groping and bullying' is ten thousand times more likely to normalize wrong inappropriate behavior in young minds than any explicit rape plot trope will ever be.

    Da-Hua February 22, 2021 10:51 pm

    Hahaha I know right? They are EVERYWHERE. Some of them even degraded a kink and dissed a whole community of people with the certain sexual kink. They think they have the right to cancel whatever and dictate which is alright and which is not based on their own standards. Selfish tbh. Insensitive and quite ignorant to boot. They really ain't doing any significant change in the world by being loud like this. They're just filling up their own egos thinking they can make a difference by sitting and in front of a pc or a phone and being keyboard warriors.

    I was never the type to argue over internet but I've developed quite the talent because of them every time I try to reason out of their ridiculousness.

    Dyke Recruiter February 23, 2021 2:51 am

    TALK YO SHIT KING!!! seriously tho, i understand non mlm people calling out certain things within the BL reader community, bc lets face it, some of these cishet women are out here acting exactly like those cishet men that fetishize everything lesbians do, but there’s a line they shouldn’t cross and dont even realize it. it isn’t their place to speak on how gay men should feel about yaoi or whatever, yet they always wanna put their 2 cents in when it doesn’t cover the majority of how gay men feel. hell, i remember when people were losing their shit over ‘fujoshis’ saying it’s disgusting and anyone that identifies as it are fetishizing gay men, and yet they chose to completely ignore actual queer men explaining the term and why it isnt a bad thing. nothing wrong with calling stupid shit out, but these people need to know when to back off and let the appropriate group voice their thoughts & opinions

    Fujoshi chan February 23, 2021 5:03 am
    TALK YO SHIT KING!!! seriously tho, i understand non mlm people calling out certain things within the BL reader community, bc lets face it, some of these cishet women are out here acting exactly like those cish... Dyke Recruiter

    I get what u saying but liking yaoi and thinking two men look cute together isn't "fetishizing gay" I just wanna make this point very clear for everyone just like normally u see a girl and boy and think oh they look cute then it's called match making right? Its not fetishizing then but when someone says oh those two men look good together or writes a Wattpad stories about them then it's fetishizing huh? What absolute bullshit is this ,one more thing yaoi is not porn cause ppl literally take it for just that it's a GENRE for fuck's sake yaoi is a genre like shoujo genre with only difference that the main characters are two male ,I know some of the stories r just smut but why do ppl only see those stories and define yaoi on the basis of it,in shoujo too there r stories with only smut but no one calls it's porn right cause then it's hentai just cause yaoi doesn't have yaoi hentai or something that doesn't mean that all the yaoi manga r nothing but two dudes fucking and if u think that then u r fucking sick and find better yaoi manga to read cause I have read plenty of them and most of them very so real and beautiful

    Dyke Recruiter February 23, 2021 6:28 am
    I get what u saying but liking yaoi and thinking two men look cute together isn't "fetishizing gay" I just wanna make this point very clear for everyone just like normally u see a girl and boy and think oh they... Fujoshi chan

    oh no i didnt mean it that way!!! i meant how some women will talk shit when men watch fake lesbian porn & overall just act creepy to wlw but turn around and do the same thing w gay men. i think its an issue when you reduce people ONLY to being some sexual figure meant for your satisfaction bc it becomes fetishy, and i say this as a lesbian. sorry if i wasnt clear, i typed that pretty quickly. i do agree w you btw, explicit BL isn’t always necessarily porn(i think A LOT of it is but thats another conversation), one of my favorite BLs is Walk on Water and it’s literally about the gay porn industry and its easily one of the best BLs you can read. just bc something contains mature content shouldn’t automatically categorize it as porn

    Sannanana February 23, 2021 8:33 am
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    Lol same mah dude I don't understand why ppl gotta argue, if you're enjoying your time reading whatever then isn't it fine to just leave it at that? Kids nowadays really be getting their panties in a twist over just about anything.

    Fujoshi chan February 23, 2021 12:19 pm
    oh no i didnt mean it that way!!! i meant how some women will talk shit when men watch fake lesbian porn & overall just act creepy to wlw but turn around and do the same thing w gay men. i think its an issu... Dyke Recruiter

    Yes thankfully ppl like u do really understand that liking yaoi doesn't mean that we fetishize men I really hate it when ppl group us as same as those who really do harass gay ppl and also I TOO LIKE WALK ON WATER A LOT it's one of my fav I have already read it 4 times lol

    yV9669 February 23, 2021 3:43 pm
    I know. On the other hand, my hero would be a 13 year old who hangs around a certain very popular shounen ai and dissected all the reasons on why a story with cute version of 'dominant seme gets his uke after o... Zarathustra

    LOL! I'm late but way to nail it! At least Yaoi we know it's wrong behaviour and we're very aware it's not something we'd allow ourselves to do or someone else to do. Shounen Ai hides some pretty dark stuff under that blue halo.

    Jenna700 February 23, 2021 10:02 pm

    Hun, what are u talking about?.... This is Painter of the Night