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Kiyomine was kinda annoying at times ngl, like when he outbursts on takara everytime and n...

Yuri's d1ldo February 22, 2021 10:16 pm

Kiyomine was kinda annoying at times ngl, like when he outbursts on takara everytime and never apologizes for it but takara does everytime! takara bestest boy. I wish kiyomine had tried as hard as takara to maintain their relationship, it felt like majority of the effort was from takara's side :/

    Cum1nMeChrollo March 4, 2021 9:03 am

    hello but did they date together at the end? sorry my question is out of topic but i just wanna know-

    Yuri's d1ldo March 5, 2021 3:36 pm
    hello but did they date together at the end? sorry my question is out of topic but i just wanna know- Cum1nMeChrollo

    it's kinda vague but most likely yes