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I love this so much, it's so good! I understand completely the thing with their son becaus...

bcipher February 22, 2021 10:57 pm

I love this so much, it's so good! I understand completely the thing with their son because when we have this two different species protagonists, it's not like they can just be happy vibes all the time. Sin was only ever moved by Liz and her alone, I think someone said it's a ghosts nature to be self centered and I don't think that's bad, it's just who he is. I think he likes his son in a way, after all he's something he maked with her in this life they shared. And I understand Noah's feelings of being left out when their parents have such a strong bond with each other. It's not like he's gonna be alone forever too, eventually I believe he's gonna find someone and understand the feeling (lowkey thought it would be Drake by the end, but that's just the Twilight vibes I got in the funeral). I do wonder about this hybrid being, is it gonna be as powerful as the dad? Is it gonna be immortal or eventually get old and die like a human? Does it only share the powers, but no the nature?
Anyway, it all must come to an end eventually and this was a good and tight one. I really had a good time and laughed as much as I cried. I'll support the author on webtoon as I read again, one of my favorite stories. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
