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There's just something that's irking me. Present Ari's soul took Past Ari's body, sooo...w...

Anonymous January 29, 2016 12:21 am

There's just something that's irking me. Present Ari's soul took Past Ari's body, sooo...what the heck happened to Past Ari's soul? Vanished ? '-' It woul be great of their souls had actually switched bodies, so the Past Ari would be alive in the real word, thus, maaybe or maybe not, staying with Present Ja-yun. That'd mean that Present Ari is trapped into the past, THUS MAKING IT POSSIBLE FOR THE ARI × BUB-MIN SHIP. YUP, THAT'S PERFECT, WHO KNOWKS RYU RIANG'S EMAIL ADRESS???? ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    FightForYou2 February 19, 2016 7:49 pm

    Well since its the same soul, it makes since that present ari body is in a come while her soul returned to her old body for god knows how long.

    FightForYou2 February 19, 2016 7:50 pm
